Charles Vogl

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Flywheel Podcast: Building Communites that Inspire Connection

This week Victor Jimenez hosted me for a conversation for entrepreneurs on building cultures of belonging.  

You can listen at the link below.

Flywheel Podcast - Building Communities That Inspire Connection

In this episode, we talk about community and connection. Consider this, most businesses rise and fall based on the strength and depth of connection they build with employees, partners, and even their customers. Many of us don’t give a lot of thought about building a structure that can create a sense of belonging within our broader community and the micro-communities that form as a result of doing business.

Building that belonging takes work and strong leadership and commitment. Listen carefully to this episode and learn some of the principles that create and maintain those connections.

Some of the ideas we touch on that make strong communities:

  • Boundaries

  • Space and safety

  • Implicit and explicit values

  • Creating paths to growth

  • Leadership